Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fall Blooms

The meadow is more glorious than I might expect on a fall day. The ornamental blooms in my own garden beds around the house are fading, but the succession of wildflower blossoms in the meadow keeps going. Soft clouds of some tiny white aster are busy with sweat bees, mason bees, and skippers. Small pollinators require small flowers. Tall pink cosmos are food for bumblebees and butterflies. The golden rod are spears of sunshine.

The one Mexican sunflower by the gate is my most dramatic survivor. It's like a small tree covered in orange blossoms attracting large bumblebees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and gold finches. The flowers also make nice doggy necklaces. 

In the evening, the meadow is in shadow--all except the bamboo grove. By day a dark secretive corner, in the evening the grove is back-lit by golden light. Beyond the stalks, a swarm of midges rise and fall. The hackberry trees are weeping this time of year, covering the ground with sticky black sap. The light sparkles on droplets falling like rain underneath the branches. Come sit in one of the old rocking chairs under the crepe myrtle arbor and watch the world be!