Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Field Trip!

Generous Parkridger Amber Crouse, who likes to walk her dogs in the Parkridge Butterfly Meadow with her husband Steve, just gave us a valuable gift.

A big pile of horse manure!

On Monday, she drove me and the kids out to Crosstie Stables in Mascot for as much horse manure as the two of us could load into the bed of her pick-up truck.

It's free, and you are allowed to take as much as you want.

As one of the owners of the stables told Amber, "They make it everyday."

While Amber and I worked, the little girls had a nice time running around the farm counting the horses. Crossties Stables has 27 horses, according to the father of one of the owners. That's a lot of manure.

I didn't realize what city girls I had raised until one of them asked what horse poop looked like. It looks like this:

We dumped it near the sidewalk on Polk Street where Nickie Bold, Parkridger who co-owns Meadowsweet Massage and Wellness on Gay Street, plans to start an herbal demonstration garden.

I will spread most of the manure on the clay inside the fence to add nitrogen and other nutrients to the very poor soil. Maybe next year we can get some really pretty flowers growing in the heart of the meadow.

Hooray for horse poop!